Plant protection products registration in Russia and the CIS

Plant protection products registration in Russia and the CIS


State registration of pesticides and agrochemicals in Russia and CIS countries is a procedure aimed at preventing substandard and counterfeit goods from entering national markets of each country.

Stages of registration

The registration of plant protection products and agrochemicals is a complex and time-consuming process lasting from 1,5 up to 4 years depending on the object of registration.

The registration of pesticides and agrochemicals in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal law 109-FZ, dated 19.07.1997, “On the safe management of pesticides and agrochemicals” (as amended and supplemented)” and consists of the following stages:

  • The filing of the application for inclusion in the schedule of registration tests of pesticides/agrochemicals of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;
  • Development of the registration tests programme;
  • Research aimed at ensuring biological effectiveness and safety of the pesticide/agrochemical under registration;

    * As per “Methodological guidelines on registration testing of pesticides with regard to the biological effectiveness” (Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2019), research and testing for all pesticides and agrochemicals filed for registration after January 1st, 2019 is conducted over the course of two full cropping seasons in one, two, three or four soil and climate zones for each crop.

  • A range of tests on the toxic safety of the pesticide/agrochemical
  • A range of tests on the ecological safety of the pesticide/agrochemical
  • Submission for the state ecological examination as per the Federal law 174-FZ, dated 23.11.1995, “On ecological examination”
  • Development of the Safety Data Sheet (Safety Passport) of the pesticide/agrochemical
  • Outlining recommendations on transportation, application, storage and labelling of the pesticide/agrochemical
  • Examination of the registration dossier by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
  • Obtaining expert reports on:
    • 1) The results of the registration testing of the pesticide/agrochemical;
    • 2) The pesticide/agrochemical application regulation;
  • Issue of the State registration certificate of the pesticide/agrochemical
  • Registration of container labels with the assignment of an individual identification number

On completing the above stated procedures, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation includes all registered products in the State catalogue of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted/authorized/registered for use on the territory of the Russian Federation. The catalogue is issued annually and is updated in the course of the year.

The result of the state registration

Once the State Registration Certificate of the pesticide/agrochemical is obtained, the company possessing the Certificate is entitled to import, distribute and use plant protection products on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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